Bteclive User Agreement

Bteclive User Agreement

Last version update: July 23, 2022

This agreement is an agreement between the user (hereinafter referred to as "user" or "you") and Bteclive , and Bteclive will provide you with services in accordance with the content of this agreement. "Bteclive " refers to the possible operating affiliates of Bteclive and/or its related services. If you do not agree with any of the terms stated in this agreement or the subsequent modifications to the terms of the agreement, please do not use the relevant services provided by Bteclive . Your use will be deemed your full acceptance of all the terms of this agreement. Please read all the terms and conditions of this agreement carefully, especially the terms in black and bold in the agreement.

If you are a minor, please read and judge whether you agree with this agreement accompanied by your legal guardian, paying special attention to the terms of minors. The minor's exercise and performance of the rights and obligations under this agreement shall be deemed to have been recognized by the guardian.

Service Description

1.1 Bteclive provides you with services including but not limited to the following:

1.1.1 The Bteclive website (and any other website operated by Bteclive );

1.1.2 Bteclive directly owns or operates all terminal client products including but not limited to PC, tablet, mobile phone, TV, etc.;

1.1.3 Bteclive user personal center, personal space, coins, wallet;

1.1.4 The servers and network storage spaces directly owned or operated by Bteclive ;

1.1.5 Various value-added services provided by Bteclive to you;

1.1.6 Other technologies and/or services provided by Bteclive to you.

1.2 The services provided by Bteclive are limited to use within the Bteclive platform. Any act of separating the services provided by Bteclive from the Bteclive platform by malicious cracking or other illegal means does not belong to the provision of this Agreement by Bteclive . service. All consequences arising therefrom shall be the responsibility of the perpetrator, and Bteclive will reserve the right to pursue the perpetrator's legal responsibility according to law.

1.3 The way officially announced by Bteclive is the only legal way to register, log in, download the client (including but not limited to iOS, Android and other smart platforms), and use the Bteclive service. The Bteclive services (including but not limited to account numbers, coins, client downloads, etc.) are all illegal gains, and Bteclive does not recognize their effectiveness, and once discovered, Bteclive has the right to delete, clear, title, etc. immediately. All adverse consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the user. Please keep your account and password properly, strengthen password security, and beware of account leakage or theft. Bteclive shall not be liable for any loss caused by the disclosure or theft of the user account.

1.4 The user understands and recognizes that Bteclive has the following rights. The exercise of the following rights by Bteclive is not deemed to be a breach of contract, and the user does not pursue or exempt Bteclive from relevant legal responsibilities: Users have the right to use their legally obtained Bteclive account and the coins under the account for a long time. , logos, gifts, etc., but the user confirms that he only has the right to use the above-mentioned services and products, and the ownership and intellectual property rights of the above-mentioned services and products, and their derivatives are owned by Bteclive (except for the ownership of physical products obtained by users through legal channels) ). Bteclive has the right to decide the withdrawal date according to the actual situation to the maximum extent permitted by law, without further notice to the user and without the need for the user's consent.

1.5 Bteclive has the right to announce to users in advance (including but not limited to pop-up announcements, website homepage announcements, and system messages) to modify, replace, and upgrade any software related to Bteclive services. If the user does not agree or accept the modification, replacement and upgrade of the related software of Bteclive , please directly refuse, stop or cancel the use behavior, otherwise it is deemed that the user agrees and accepts the modification, replacement and upgrade of the related software of Bteclive . Acceptance remains subject to this Agreement.

1.6 The term "user" in this agreement includes registered users and unregistered users. Any user who is not registered with the products and/or services of Bteclive will automatically become a "non-registered user" of Bteclive when downloading or installing Bteclive 's products and/or using Bteclive 's services.

1.7 Special reminder: Since there are many products and services of Bteclive , the content of products and services provided to you are also different. This agreement is the general user service terms that Bteclive applies uniformly. For some specific products/services of Bteclive , Bteclive will also specify a specific user service agreement in order to more specifically clarify the content of Bteclive 's services, service rules, etc., you should fully read and agree to the specific user service agreement. the entire content before using that particular product/service.

User registration
If you use the network storage space provided by Bteclive to upload and disseminate audio-visual programs, text, art photography, etc., you need to register an account and set a password, and ensure the authenticity, correctness and integrity of the registration information. If the above If the registration information changes, you should change it in time. After completing the registration process of this service, you should maintain the confidentiality and security of your account number and password. You should be fully responsible for the activities of anyone using your account and password. Bteclive cannot identify the illegal or unauthorized use of your account and password, so Bteclive will not take any responsibility. At the same time you agree and undertake to:

2.1 When your account or password is used without authorization, or any security problem occurs, you will immediately and effectively notify Bteclive ;

2.2 Every time you log in to Bteclive or use related services, you will safely log out of the account, etc.;

2.3 You agree to accept that Bteclive will send you notification information and other relevant information through email, client, web page or other legal means;

2.4 You undertake not to register or use the Bteclive account to engage in the following acts:

2.4.1 Deliberately use other people's information to register a Bteclive account for oneself;

2.4.2 Register a Bteclive account in the name of another person without the legal authorization of the other person;

2.4.3 Stealing or embezzling other people's Bteclive accounts, coins, membership logos, etc.;

2.4.4 Register a Bteclive account using words that violate laws, morals, public order and good customs, such as insults, defamation, pornography, politics, etc.;

2.4.5 Malicious use of website loopholes through legitimate or illegitimate means for the purpose of illegally occupying Bteclive -related service resources;

2.4.6 Other content that violates the legitimate rights and interests of others.

2.5 You hereby agree that Bteclive has the right to prohibit registration and/or ban the user who violates the above terms.

2.6 You understand and know that you can log in to all products under the Bteclive system provided by Bteclive and its affiliates with your Bteclive account.

Content on Bteclive
3.1 The content on Bteclive refers to the video, audio or other content in any form that you upload and disseminate on Bteclive , including but not limited to images, text, links, etc.

3.2 For the works you upload or publish on Bteclive , you guarantee that you have the legal copyright or corresponding authorization, and Bteclive has the right to display, distribute and promote the aforementioned content.

3.3 In order to improve the exposure and publishing efficiency of your content, you agree that all content published by your account on Bteclive authorizes Bteclive to automatically synchronize and publish to all products operated by Bteclive and/or affiliated companies with your account, including customers terminal software and website. Your operations of publishing, modifying and deleting content on Bteclive will be synchronized to the above products.

3.4 Any information, data, text, software, music, audio, photos, graphics, video, information or other materials (hereinafter referred to as "content") that are uploaded, posted, emailed or transmitted by any service provided by Bteclive . ”), regardless of whether it is transmitted publicly or privately, the responsibility of the content provider and uploader shall be borne by the content provider.

3.5 Bteclive cannot know in advance and reasonably control the content uploaded through Bteclive services. Therefore, you have foreseen that when using Bteclive services, you may be exposed to some unpleasant, uncomfortable or disgusting content. You agree to give up the Any recourse against Bteclive arising from this. However, Bteclive has the right to stop the transmission of any of the aforementioned content in accordance with the law and take corresponding measures, including but not limited to suspending your continued use of some or all of Bteclive 's services, keeping relevant records and reporting to relevant authorities.

3.6 You are solely responsible for your actions on Bteclive . If your use of Bteclive services does not comply with this agreement, Bteclive has the right to take independent action and deactivate your account without prior notice and/or user consent. If you spread and disseminate reactionary, pornographic or other information that violates national laws and regulations on Bteclive , the system records of Bteclive may be used as evidence of your violation of relevant laws.

Rules of use
4.1 Users should abide by the following laws and regulations in the process of using Bteclive services:

4.1.1 Law of Saudi Arabia on Guarding State Secrets

4.1.2 Copyright Law of Saudi Arabia

4.1.3 Regulations of Saudi Arabia on Security Protection of Computer Information Systems

4.1.4 Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software

4.1.5 Regulations on the Administration of Internet Electronic Bulletin Services

4.1.6 Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Information Network Communication

4.1.7 Cyber security Law of Saudi Arabia

4.1.8 Other laws and regulations related to computer and Internet regulations.

4.2 In any case, once Bteclive reasonably believes that the user's behavior may violate the above laws and regulations, it may terminate the service to the user at any time without prior notice.

4.3 Users are prohibited from engaging in the following acts:

4.3.1 Making, uploading, copying, transmitting, or disseminating any content that opposes the basic principles established by the Constitution, endangers national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, undermines national unity, undermines national unity, damages national honor and interests, and incites national Hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermining ethnic unity, undermining national religious policies, advocating cults and feudal superstitions, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime, insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, etc. laws and administrative regulations Prohibited or otherwise objectionable content including, but not limited to, information, materials, text, software, music, photographs, graphics, information or other materials;

4.3.2 endanger minors in any way;

4.3.3 Impersonate any person or institution, or falsely or falsely claim to be related to any person or institution;

4.3.4 Forge the title or otherwise manipulate the identification information to make people mistakenly believe that the content is transmitted by Bteclive ;

4.3.5 Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit content that you do not have the right to transmit (such as internal information, confidential information);

4.3.6 Upload, post, email or transmit any content that infringes anyone's intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, etc.;

4.3.7 Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit advertising correspondence, promotional materials, "spam", etc.;

4.3.8 stalk or otherwise harass others;

4.3.9 Upload, post, email or otherwise transmit information about software viruses or other computer codes, files and programs that interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication equipment;

4.3.10 Interfere with or destroy the Bteclive service or the servers and networks connected to the Bteclive service, or fail to comply with the provisions of this Agreement;

4.3.11 Deliberately or unintentionally violate any relevant Saudi Arabian laws, regulations, rules, ordinances and other norms with legal effect;

4.3.12 Without the prior express written permission of Bteclive , in any way (including but not limited to any automatic programs, scripts, software such as robot software, spider software, crawler software, etc.) and for any reason, or entrust others, assist others to obtain the platform. Services, Content, Data;

4.3.13 The content you produce, publish, and disseminate must abide by the "Regulations on the Administration of Online Audio and Video Information Services" and relevant laws and regulations, and you may not use new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc. to produce, publish, and disseminate fake news information. and other information content prohibited by laws and regulations. When you publish or disseminate non-real audio and video information produced using new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc., you should identify it in a prominent way, otherwise Bteclive has the right to take measures against relevant content and accounts, including but not limited to adding measures such as identification, restrictions, and bans.

4.3.14 If the uploaded content provided by the user contains the above information or content that violates the policies, laws and regulations, the user shall directly bear all the adverse consequences caused by the above. If it causes any adverse consequences to Bteclive , the user shall be responsible for eliminating the impact and compensate for it. all losses caused.

4.4 Users are not allowed to issue any words that carry the "Bteclive " brand, such as "cooperation with Bteclive ", "co-produced with Bteclive " through any channels or media (including but not limited to self-media, etc.), if the user needs to promote and promote cooperative programs , the user can only mention the program itself in the publicity and shall not mention the relationship with Bteclive or promote it under the Bteclive brand without authorization. All publicity manuscripts with "Bteclive " in the user's release must pass through the corresponding cooperation department of Bteclive . Written consent, otherwise the user shall compensate for all losses caused to Bteclive .

4.5 Coin usage rules

4.5.1 Unless otherwise specified, the specific usage methods and deadlines for virtual products such as coins and exchange items obtained by users through the use of the coin service are based on the instructions and user guides attached to the Bteclive page or similar official documents with the above explanatory nature. allow.

4.5.2 The coin system will be adjusted at any time due to user needs, website strategy adjustment, user acceptance and other factors. For specific information, please refer to the page description at that time.

4.5.3 The coin system is a free service provided by Bteclive to users. The use, consumption, exchange, lottery and other behaviors of coins do not provide invoices or other vouchers.

4.5.4 Based on the nature and characteristics of virtual goods, Bteclive does not provide return and exchange services for virtual goods exchanged for coins. For physical products, Bteclive is not responsible for defects or damages caused by the user.

4.5.5 Unless authorized by Bteclive in writing, users are not allowed to use coin services and coins for commercial purposes, including but not limited to buying and selling, exchanging, mortgaging, or using coin services in a specific way to obtain unjust enrichment, etc. Any user should obtain coin services through formal channels. All coins and their derivative services obtained through unofficial channels will not have legal effect on Bteclive . Bteclive has the right to unilaterally withdraw the relevant coins and terminate the corresponding services. In serious cases, Bteclive The right to take account of its users.

4.5.6 Unless there is a special agreement, coins and their derivatives obtained by users through formal channels will not be refunded in any cash, but can only be consumed by the coin service of equivalent value. If the user consumes all the coins obtained and will not continue to use the coin service, the service will be terminated.

Third Party Links
The Bteclive service may provide links to other international Internet sites or resources. Unless otherwise stated, Bteclive cannot control the services of third-party websites, and Bteclive does not assume any responsibility for the loss or damage caused by the use of or reliance on the above websites or resources. We recommend that you carefully read its terms of service and privacy policy before leaving Bteclive and visiting other websites or resources.

Intellectual Property
6.1 Protected by the International Copyright Convention, the Copyright Law of Saudi Arabia, the Patent Law, and other intellectual property laws and regulations, all intellectual property rights of the Bteclive service and the software, technology, trademarks, materials, etc. used in this service belong to Bteclive All and enjoy. "Intellectual Property Rights" includes any and all rights, any and all other proprietary rights, and any and all applications, updates, extensions, and restorations thereof under the laws of patent law, copyright law, trademark law, unfair competition law, and the like.

6.2 The user shall not modify, adapt, translate the software, technology, materials, etc. used by the Bteclive service, or create derivative works related to it, and shall not obtain its source code through reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly or other similar acts. , otherwise all legal consequences arising therefrom shall be the responsibility of the user, and Bteclive will investigate the legal responsibility of the breaching party according to law.

6.3 Users shall not maliciously modify, copy, or disseminate the software, technology, materials, etc. used by the Bteclive service. Otherwise, the user shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility for the damage caused to others, or damage to the image of Bteclive .

6.4 The user shall not delete, cover up or change the copyright statement, trademark or other rights statement of Bteclive without authorization. All design patterns and other patterns, product and service names on the Bteclive platform are trademarks and logos owned by Bteclive and/or its affiliates. No one may use, copy or otherwise use it.

6.5 Bteclive owns complete intellectual property rights to its self-made content and other exclusive content obtained through authorization. Without the permission of Bteclive , no unit or individual may reproduce, disseminate and provide viewing services without permission, or conduct other acts that infringe Bteclive ’s intellectual property rights. Otherwise, Bteclive will pursue the legal responsibility of the infringer.

6.6 The intellectual property rights owned and enjoyed by Bteclive will not be transferred due to any user's use behavior.

7.1 Bteclive does not represent or guarantee the correctness or reliability of any content, information or advertisements contained in, through or connected to, downloaded or obtained from any services related to this network; , Bteclive is not responsible for any products, information or materials purchased or obtained through display. Use of the Service is at the user's own risk.

7.2 Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, all products and services provided by Bteclive to you are provided on an "as is" and "as-is" basis.

7.3 Bteclive does not guarantee the following matters (including but not limited to):

7.3.1 Although the websites, clients and other software provided by Bteclive have been tested by Bteclive , due to the limitations of the technology itself, Bteclive cannot guarantee that it is fully compatible with other software, hardware and systems. If there is any incompatibility, the user can report the situation to Bteclive for technical support. If the problem cannot be solved, the user can choose to uninstall and stop using the Bteclive service.

7.3.2 The use of Bteclive service involves Internet services and may be affected by unstable factors in various links. Due to force majeure, hacker attack, system instability, network interruption, user shutdown, communication lines, etc., Bteclive services may be interrupted or cannot meet user requirements. Bteclive does not guarantee that the Bteclive service is suitable for users' usage requirements.

7.3.3 Since the client and other software provided by Bteclive can be downloaded and disseminated through the Internet, Bteclive cannot guarantee whether the software related to Bteclive services downloaded from official sites designated by non-Bteclive or obtained through channels designated by non-Bteclive . Infection with computer viruses, whether there are hidden camouflaged Trojan programs and other hacking software, and also do not assume any legal responsibility for all direct or indirect damages suffered by users.

7.3.4 Bteclive does not make any guarantees related to the safety, reliability, timeliness and performance of Bteclive services and products.

7.3.5 Bteclive does not guarantee that any products, services or other materials it provides meet the expectations of users.

7.4 The user shall bear the risk of using any information downloaded or obtained through the Bteclive service, and the user shall be fully responsible for the damage to the user's computer system or the loss of data due to such use.

7.5 Bteclive shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, derivative or punitive damages for profit, business reputation, data loss or other tangible or intangible losses caused by the following reasons:

7.5.1 All or part of the Bteclive service is unavailable;

7.5.2 Any products, materials or services purchased or obtained through the Bteclive service;

7.5.3 Unauthorized use or modification of User Data;

7.5.4 Other matters related to the Bteclive service.

7.6 Users should keep their account numbers and passwords properly, strengthen password security, and beware of account leakage or theft. Bteclive shall not be liable for any loss caused by the disclosure or theft of the user account. If the user loses or reduces the account and property in the account due to non-Bteclive reasons such as communication line failure, network or computer failure, system instability, and force majeure (such as server downtime) of the telecommunications and Netcom departments, Bteclive will not be responsible for compensation, etc. responsibility.

7.7 The user understands and agrees to choose to download and use the Bteclive service for free at his own risk, including but not limited to the user's behavior during the use of the Bteclive service and all the consequences arising from the use of the Bteclive service. The user shall be solely responsible for any damage to the computer system or loss of data caused by downloading or using the Bteclive service.

7.8 Bteclive does not assume any legal responsibility for the loss or reduction of the account and the property in the account due to the untrue authentication information of the user, which cannot be recovered.

Change, Interruption, Termination of Service
8.1 You understand and agree that Bteclive may change the service content or interrupt, suspend or terminate the service based on the adjustment of its business strategy.

8.2 You understand and agree that in the event of a merger, division, acquisition, or asset transfer of Bteclive , Bteclive may transfer the relevant assets under this service to a third party; Bteclive may also, after unilaterally notify you, transfer some or all of the assets under this Agreement. The service and the corresponding rights and obligations are transferred to the third party to operate or perform.

8.3 You understand and agree that if you violate the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, this Agreement and other Bteclive platform agreements, Bteclive has the right to unilaterally interrupt or terminate the provision of services to you without notice.

8.4 After Bteclive terminates providing services to you, it has the right to delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, and also has the right to continue to save other information you have retained on our platform in accordance with the period and method prescribed by law. content and information.

9.1 Users have the right to apply for account cancellation to Bteclive , and you can cancel your account by contacting Bteclive customer service (except as otherwise stipulated by relevant laws and regulations or otherwise stipulated in this Agreement and the rules of each site).

9.2 Special reminder: After canceling your Bteclive account, you will no longer be able to log in and use all products and services of Bteclive and its affiliates, as well as the service content of products and services in cooperation with third parties, and Bteclive will also be terminated at the same time. Providing you with our various products and services under this account will inevitably bring inconvenience to your after-sales rights protection. And once the Bteclive account is cancelled, it cannot be recovered. Please consider carefully before canceling.

9.3 If you determine that you need to cancel your Bteclive account, you have fully understood and confirmed that the UID will still exist after the account is cancelled, but you will no longer have account-related rights, including but not limited to:

9.3.1 After the account is cancelled, you will no longer be able to log in with the account and use all products and services of Bteclive ;

9.3.2 After the account is cancelled, all the content, information, data, and records of all products and services that you have used to log in through this account will be deleted or anonymized, and you will no longer be able to search, access, obtain , use and retrieval, including but not limited to: account information (avatar, nickname, signature, etc.), binding information;

9.3.3 After the account is cancelled, the transaction records of the account will be cleared and cannot be recovered;

9.3.4 After the account is cancelled, Bteclive has the right to no longer provide users with any account-related services;

9.3.5 You agree to give up the rights and future expected benefits that have been generated but not consumed by the account during the use of the products and services of Bteclive by canceling the account. Bteclive will clear all rights under the account, including but not limited to: your unexpired membership rights, various coupons you have not used, virtual currency and props under your game character, All kinds of identity rights and interests in each product and/or service of Play, the unexpired online service content you have purchased in each product and/or service of Play, other rights that have been generated but not consumed or expected future benefits .

9.4 Before you apply to us to cancel your Bteclive account, in order to protect your account security and property rights, you need to check and ensure that the account you apply for cancellation meets the following conditions, including but not limited to:

9.4.1 The account is an account registered by the user through official channels and conforms to this agreement and relevant regulations; and it is your own member account;

9.4.2 Perform the logout operation according to the logout process required by the customer service;

9.4.3 The account is in a safe state, including: not in the state of applying for password search or changing mobile phone number; no unresolved (being) complaints or reports; other unsafe/abnormal states;

9.4.4 There are no unfinished transactions in the account;

9.4.5 There are no lucky draw activities initiated by you but not completed in your account;

9.4.6 The account does not have a contractual relationship with all the business of Bteclive or is still in the contract period (such as signing an anchor, etc.);

9.4.7 If the "Continuous Monthly/Seasonally/Annual" service has been activated on the account, you have cancelled the service by yourself;

9.4.8 Other conditions to be met.

9.5 If you have fully read and understood the contents of Articles 9.2 and 9.3, and confirmed that you have met all the conditions of Article 9.4, you can apply to customer service for account cancellation. Customer service will review the security status of your account and the use of your related products and services, and comprehensively judge whether your account meets the conditions.

9.6 Once the Bteclive account is cancelled, the relevant user agreement and other rights and obligations documents you have signed with us will be terminated accordingly (except for those that have been agreed to continue to be effective or otherwise provided by law). At the same time, you know and agree that: even if your account is cancelled, it does not reduce or exempt you from the relevant responsibilities that you should bear in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, relevant agreements, rules, etc. (may be) during the agreement period.

Privacy Policy
10.1 Bteclive pays attention to protecting the personal information and personal privacy of users. Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information. When you download, install, start, browse, register, log in, and use the products and/or services of Bteclive , Bteclive will process and protect your personal information in accordance with the "Bteclive Privacy Policy" published on the platform, so I hope You can carefully read and fully understand the full text of the "Bteclive Privacy Policy", and when necessary, follow the guidelines of the "Bteclive Privacy Policy" to make the choices you deem appropriate.

10.2 You should use Bteclive 's products and/or services after carefully reading and fully understanding the "Bteclive Privacy Policy". If you do not agree with the content of the policy, it may cause Bteclive 's products and/or services to fail to operate normally, or The service effect that Bteclive intends to achieve cannot be achieved. Your use or continued use of the products and/or services provided by Bteclive means that you fully understand and agree to the entire content of the "Bteclive Privacy Policy" (including the updated version).

10.3 If you have any questions about the "Bteclive Privacy Policy" or the content of your personal information (including inquiries, complaints, etc.), you can contact us through the contact information published in Article 10 of the "Bteclive Privacy Policy".

Minors Clause
11.1 Bteclive attaches great importance to the protection of minors. If you are a minor, you should read this agreement under the supervision and guidance of your guardian, and use the products and/or services of Bteclive with the consent of your guardian.

11.2 Guardians should guide their children on the security issues that should be paid attention to when surfing the Internet, and prevent problems before they occur. Bteclive does not encourage minors to use Bteclive 's products/services for any consumption behavior. If there is consumption, minors should ask their guardian to operate or operate with the express consent of the guardian.

11.3 For the privacy protection of minors, Bteclive will strictly follow the methods and methods described in the "Bteclive Privacy Policy" published by the platform.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
12.1 The entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Saudi Arabia. This clause is partially invalid due to its conflict with the current laws of Saudi Arabia, and does not affect the validity of other parts. Both parties agree that when resolving disputes, the latest version of the "Bteclive User Agreement" that you agree to shall prevail.

12.2 If there is any dispute over the content of this agreement or its implementation, it shall be resolved through friendly negotiation as much as possible; if the negotiation fails, all parties to the dispute agree to submit the dispute to Courts in Gujarat for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitral award is final and legally binding on all parties.

Modifications and notices of the agreement
13.1 Bteclive has the right to revise this agreement and publish the revised agreement in accordance with changes in national policies, technical conditions, product functions, etc.

13.2 Once the foregoing content is officially released, Bteclive will remind you of the updated content in an appropriate manner (including but not limited to pop-up windows, emails, site letters, website announcements, etc.), so that you can keep abreast of the latest version of this agreement.

13.3 You know that the name of this agreement and the title of each chapter are only for convenience and reading, and because this agreement is displayed in many places on our platform, it may take some time for the whole agreement to be renamed. The co-existence of this text does not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision in this text.

13.4 The revised content will form an integral part of this agreement and you should abide by it. If you have any objection to the revised agreement, please stop logging in and using Bteclive and related services immediately. If you log in or continue to use Bteclive and related services, it is deemed that you have fully read, understood and accepted the updated agreement and willing to be bound by this updated agreement.

User Privacy Policy

We value your privacy. We may collect and use your information when you use our services. We hope to explain to you through this "Privacy Policy" how we collect, use, store and share this information when you use our services, and how we provide you with access, update, control and protection of this information. This "Privacy Policy" is closely related to your use of our services, and we hope that you can read it carefully and, if necessary, follow the guidelines of this "Privacy Policy" to make the choices you deem appropriate. We try our best to explain the relevant technical vocabulary involved in this Privacy Policy in a concise and concise manner, and provide links to further explanations for your understanding.

By using or continuing to use our services, you agree to our collection, use, storage and sharing of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or matters related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us by phone or online customer service.

Information we collect

When we provide services, we may collect, store and use the following information about you. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user, enjoy some of the services we provide, or even if we can continue to provide you with some services, the intended effect of the service cannot be achieved.

Information you provide

Relevant personal information you provide to us when you register our account or use our services, such as phone number, email, etc.;

Shared information that you provide to other parties through our Services, and information that is stored when you use our Services.

Your information shared with other parties

Shared information about you provided by other parties when using our services.

Information we obtain about you

We may collect the following information when you use our services:

Log information refers to the technical information that the system may automatically collect through cookies, web beacons or other means when you use our services, including:

Device or software information, such as configuration information provided by your mobile device, web browser or other program you use to access our Services, your IP address and the version and device identifier used by your mobile device;

Information you search for and browse when using our services, such as web search terms you use, social media page url addresses you visit, and other information and content details you browse or request when using our services;

To provide you with our services;

To achieve the purposes described in the "How We Use Your Information" section;

To understand, maintain and improve our Services.

If we or our affiliates share your personal information with any of the above-mentioned third parties, we will endeavour to ensure that such third parties use your personal information in compliance with this Privacy Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and confidentiality requirements we require from them. safety measures.

As our business continues to develop, we and our affiliates may enter into mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will notify you before your personal information is transferred.

We or our affiliates may also retain, save or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

comply with applicable laws and regulations;

to comply with a court order or other legal process;

Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies;

We deem it reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, safeguard the public interest, or protect the personal and property safety or legitimate rights and interests of us or our group companies, our customers, other users or employees. How we retain, store and protect your information.

We only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this "Privacy Policy" and within the time limit required by laws and regulations. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of information. For example, in some services, we will utilize encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect the personal information you provide to us. However, please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limitations, even if we have strengthened security measures as much as possible, we cannot always guarantee 100% information security. You need to understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may have problems due to circumstances beyond our control.

Information about mobile applications (APPs) and other software you have used, and information about your past use of such mobile applications and software;

Information about your communications through our Services, such as the account numbers you have communicated with, and the time, data and duration of the communications;

Information (metadata) contained in the content you share through our Services, such as the date, time, or location of a shared photo or video that was taken or uploaded.

Location information refers to the information about your location that we collect when you turn on the device location function and use our location-based services, including:

When you use our service through a mobile device with positioning function, we collect your geographic location information through GPS or WiFi;

Real-time information including your geographic location provided by you or other users, such as your location information included in the account information you provide, shared information uploaded by you or others showing your current or past geographic location, such as Geotagging information contained in photos shared by you or others;

You can stop our collection of your geographic location information at any time by turning off the location feature.

How we use your information

We may use the information collected in the course of providing services to you for the following purposes:

to provide you with services;

For authentication, customer service, security, fraud detection, archival and backup purposes when we provide our services, to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;

help us design new services and improve our existing services;

Let us better understand how you access and use our services, so as to respond to your individual needs, such as language settings, location settings, personalized help services and instructions, or to you and others using our services the user responds otherwise;

Provide you with more relevant advertisements in lieu of generally-served advertisements;

To evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and other promotions and promotions on our Services and to improve them;

Software certification or management of software upgrades;

To allow you to participate in surveys about our products and services.

 Other purposes of consent, under the premise of compliance with relevant laws and regulations, we may use the personal information collected through one of our services to aggregate information or personalize it for our other services. For example, your personal information collected when you use one of our services may be used in another service to provide you with specific content or to show you information that is relevant to you rather than generally pushed. If we provide corresponding options in related services, you can also actively request us to use the personal information you provide and store in the service for our other services.

Specific privacy policies for certain specific services will be more specific about how we use your information in those services.

How to access and control your information

We will try to take appropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using our services. When accessing, updating, correcting and deleting your personal information, we may require you to authenticate to protect the security of your account.

How we share your information

We and our affiliates will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent, except in the following cases:

We and our affiliates may share your personal information with our affiliates, partners and third-party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers that send email or push notifications on our behalf, and map service providers that provide location data) (they may not be located in your jurisdiction) for the following purposes:

to provide you with our services;

To achieve the purposes described in the "How We Use Your Information" section;

To understand, maintain and improve our Services.

If we or our affiliates share your personal information with any of the above-mentioned third parties, we will endeavour to ensure that such third parties use your personal information in compliance with this Privacy Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and confidentiality requirements we require from them. safety measures.

As our business continues to develop, we and our affiliates may enter into mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will notify you before your personal information is transferred.

We or our affiliates may also retain, save or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

comply with applicable laws and regulations;

to comply with a court order or other legal process;

Comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies;

We deem it reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, safeguard the public interest, or protect the personal and property safety or legitimate rights and interests of us or our group companies, our customers, other users or employees. How we retain, store and protect your information.

We only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this "Privacy Policy" and within the time limit required by laws and regulations. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of information. For example, in some services, we will utilize encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect the personal information you provide to us. However, please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limitations, even if we have strengthened security measures as much as possible, we cannot always guarantee 100% information security. You need to understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may have problems due to circumstances beyond our control.

Tips for sharing information

Many of our services allow you to publicly share information about you not only with your social network, but also with all users who use the service, for example, the information you upload or post on our services (including your public personal information, lists you create), your responses to information uploaded or posted by others, and including location data and log information related to such information. Other users of our services may also share information about you (including location data and log information). In particular, our social media services are designed to allow you to share information with users around the world, so that the shared information can be delivered in real time and widely. As long as you do not delete the shared information, the relevant information will remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or unaffiliated third parties not controlled by us, or by other Users or such third parties are kept in the public domain.

Therefore, please carefully consider the content of the information you upload, publish and communicate through our services. In some cases, you can control the scope of users who have the right to view your shared information through the privacy settings of some of our services. If you request to delete your personal information from our services, please do so through the means provided in these special terms of service.

If users have any questions about the content of these terms, they can contact our customer service. For customer service contact information, please log in to Personal Center >> Settings >> About Us.